We want you to experience the comfort and satisfaction that we get to enjoy every day with the connection we have to our food. That is why we started this business and one of the reasons we started Ranch Club. With every meal you cook with our meat it is like you are here on the ranch with us getting to personally connect with the land and animals God has blessed us with.
I’m not sure if I need to be jealous of this pig waterer or not. Cameron comes in everyday day after a cold night and tell me how much he loves it and that he could just kiss...
One of the most common questions we get asked is “what is dry aged beef”?
Dry aging beef is so important for the flavor and tenderness of the meat. The whole carcass is hung in a temperature-controlled cooler set just above freezing.
It is hard to believe calving season is going to be here so soon.
This is another of our current favorites! No wonder all the restaurants have a buffalo hot sauce, it is ridiculously easy and delicious!